Winter Storm Uri, the severe weather event of February 2021, consisted of multi day freezing temperatures, snow, power outages, blackouts, and water service disruptions. Homes were damaged by the snow, freezing temperature, pipes bursting, and water damage.
BR3T has raised over $80,000 to repair homes in our four counties damaged by the Winter Storm. We are grateful for the grants we have received from Texas Congregational Disaster Readiness, Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders administering Red Cross funds, ADRN (Austin Disaster Relief Network), and SBP (St. Bernards Project).
A quote from a resident we helped:
Before BR3T came into my life after the freeze I was feeling so very defeated, helpless scared, I had no idea what I was going to do, everything was falling apart around me once again...all I knew to do was pray..then I received a call from [BR3T] and I had hope again...she stood by my side throughout all the ups and downs and told me dont give up. For that I am forever grateful… I finally have some peace of mind knowing that I am going to be ok...I am safe... more mold...I can finally breathe literally and figuratively. Thank you for giving me my life back. Forever Grateful

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